Clean detox and the Denver organic gardener

Denver organic gardeners will be glad to know they are already involved in a partial clean detox. Clean detox is a phrase recently used by celebrities like Gwyneth Paltrow. A clean detox involves avoiding chemical substances and sticking to clean organic produce and pure water. In addition to these steps a clean detox utilizes dry brushing and other detox techniques.

The organic garden provides a multitude of foods beneficial to the clean detox. No harmful pesticides are used in the organic garden. Wholesome fresh fruits, vegetables and herbs provide all the nutrition needed for the clean detox. It is recommended that organic fruits and vegetables be the only solid food consumed while on the clean detox.

Many organic gardeners here in Denver show concern for the environment by installing water filtration systems in their homes. Tap water has quality control but is still filled with harmful chemicals such as chlorine which do not adhere to the clean detox principle. Water filters are fine but the ultimate clean detox water is filtered by reverse osmosis.

Smoking is banned from my Denver garden and also from those on the clean detox diet. Cigarettes, cigars and pipe tobacco contain numerous substances that slowly poison the body. A clean detox diet includes eliminating “natural” cigarettes as well. The term natural is misleading in regards to smoking. Inhaling toxic smoke is bad, irregardless of how tobacco is grown.

In combination with eating organic garden produce a clean detox involves avoiding chemicals in toiletries and cleaning products. Denver gardeners using a clean detox program use natural alternatives to clean their homes and themselves. Dry brushing and herbal tub soaks are also part of the clean detox program.

At the end of a long day in the Denver organic garden, it may be tempting to hop immediately into the shower. The shock of the shower tightens pores. Clean detox proponents recommend brushing the skin from head to toe with a dry bristle brush instead. This step opens pores to release toxins. Finally, sink down into a bath scented with lavender essential oil to relax and open pores further. This completes the Denver organic gardeners clean detox.
